Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year - New Focus

Happy New Years to my followers and visitors of Hair's Tha Thing! I am so looking forward to gr8 and prosperous things in these years to come!

So I've been gone oh too long and I truly missed blogging.  Back in September the hubs and I were in a serious car accident.  I truly thank God for pulling us through. Being in and out of dr's offices, and therapy 3x's/week is a lot.... a whole lot, but like I said I am truly thankful  b/c it can always be worse.  Needless to say I have soooo NOT been focusing on hair, or anything hair related and my hair has suffered just a lil bit b/c of it.

Well that's why I haven't been around, just wanted to you know I didn't abandoned you or my blog!  It's now time to regain focus and to get back on track.

This year I will be focusing a WHOLE lot more with this battle I've been fighting w/alopecia.  It's been an ongoing, outright war between us for the past 2 years, but I'm competitive and it's a battle I'm determined to win.  My goal's this year will be the following:

1 - Growing out this patch once and for all.  Period. Point. Blank
2 - Getting the patch to shoulder length by the end of 2011.
3 - Overall thickness throughout my entire head
4 - More growth in the temple and nape area (filling in temples - faster growth - nape)

That's it for now, if I think of more I'll add to it as necessary.  Stay tuned!


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